Saturday, March 5, 2011


Froggy- A combination of the words Groggy and Foggy. Froggy.

This would describe me at this moment in time. I'm trying to keep myself awake for another 4 hours because this afternoon I accidentally fell asleep. Note to self: Reading in a comfy bed will lead to sleep. I didnt even move the whole time I was asleep. Thats how tired I was. I woke up in the exact position I fell asleep in. I don't think I've ever done that before. I'm a mover. Beware Future Husband: I roll around in my sleep.

Today we went to a castle! I'll post pictures soon or you can look on my facebook, but it was pretty spectacular. According to Elijah we saw only saw 2 big rocks. The castle was called Snake Castle. In the book Wendi had it said that 2 legends went along with the name of the castle: (1) the King or Prince (the book said it was probably a prince) could control the snakes and he used them to attack his enemies. (2) the castle was so infested with snakes that they had to abandon the castle. I didn't see any snakes when we were there which is a plus.

Elijah and Isaac loved climbing the rocks. Isaac was really good at it too. Elijah just kinda grunted his way up. It was very cute. John and I climbed higher than Wendi and the boys and it was beautiful. That was the first castle I have ever seen up close. The rocks weren't smooth but when you touched them they felt almost silky under your hand. There was also this awesome tree that had different pieces of cloth and plastic bags tied to it and the tree buzzed. Turns out there were a bunch of bees in the tree. After we climbed down, we went to get lunch at a Turkish restaurant right smack dab in the middle of an area where they make furniture. I guess it makes sense because as we were leaving, workers from everywhere came to eat. But the food was delicious. There was so much food! The main course was an Adana Kabob, lamb, chicken, and this patty of meat that I don't remember the name of, all on pita bread. There were also tomato dishes that they brought out and these tasty Turkish pizzas. It was a very good meal and we brought a ton of food home.

Over all it was a great day. Now I just have to find ways to stay up. Looks like I'll be opening another Dr. Pepper...

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