Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today I survived without falling asleep on accident or on purpose. Boom.

Also today it rained. Which meant the morning was spent inside. Which meant the morning felt very long. But we did go to the BX (?) for lunch. We had Burger King and then the boys showed me all the toys. Isaac played with the cars and Elijah was excited about a guitar and 2 Ragidy Ann dolls. It was cute.

During nap time, to prevent myself from falling asleep, I went to the Fitness Center. It was so hot in there! I worked out, rode 3 miles on the bike (not that much I know) and then walked home. After that, to keep myself awake, I straightened my hair the watched River Dance on Ice on AFN. The commercials on AFN aren't really commercials. They all have something to do with the military, whether its facts about different bases or states or really cheesy info-mercials done on the base. They're pretty hilarious. Also there's a Family Channel that plays shows from all different networks. Yesterday it was Good Luck Charlie (Disney Channel) and then Victorious (Nickelodeon). It was interesting.

Tonight we went to church and as a newcomer I had to introduce myself. The main thing I was focused on was not falling asleep in church. I'm pretty sure my eyes kept crossing because I was trying to stay awake. And everytime we prayed I kept my eyes open because I knew if they were closed for too long it would be bad news. After church we went over to Shane and Linda's for dinner. Yum Yum indeed.

I feel like all my posts have been about me being tired but thats all I can think about right now. So once I get over this jet lag I'll be more interesting, I promise.

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